"When I need the most optimal solution that's well documented and, in case of code, well tested, I turn to you, Arjan.
Quality takes time, I know. So, when I have an immediate production problem that needs to be solved asap, I rather ask someone else on our team. Yes, you are capable of providing a quick analysis and provide a temporary solution, but we have others in our team that are more suitable for this. I will end up with you anyway, for the final constructive and durable solution.
Each in its own strength, together we're a powerful team."
Feedback by a teamleader of one of my customers..

Database and Business Intelligence expert
I am an experienced Database expert. Most of my experience, I built in the Business Intelligence area. Data Engineering, Data Analysis, Data Extraction, Data Transformation, Data Storage, transform data further into information, up till information provisioning and visualisation. I have been working with all these Business Intelligence components to greater or lesser degree.
The passion, the main interest, however is with storing and processing data in an efficient way, hence Database Development.
Developers border area
By working with different applications that use relational databases, I learnt a lot about how an application generates its query. Although there usually are some ways to have control in this, that's often not enough. Hence, it sometimes is more efficient to have the application query a view, User Defined Function or Stored Procedure that catches the hardest database specific complexity. Since I have experienced both sides of the story, I'm very capable of finding the best balance.
Thanks to these experiences, I'm increasingly approached by application developers. Programming languages like C#, Java, C++, GoLang and Swift have great database connection frameworks that ease up a programmers live to a large extent. Application developers hardly need to know SQL, the framework translates the application code into SQL. Even though these frameworks are surprisingly capable of generating good queries, I still see pretty inefficient queries come by in the database.
By combining my knowledge with the application developers experience, it usually is possible to adjust the application in such a way that an inefficient query is transformed into a very efficient query. Resulting in huge performance gains, thus lower processing costs, faster results and happier users.
Sometimes it's a matter of simply changing the order in which the application code is processed, on other moments it requires the writing of a database specific Stored Procedure or User Defined Function.
Core competences
- Quality, openness and honesty.
- Good eye for maintainability
- Extensive ICT knowledge, experience and interests, both on technical and functional level.
- Extensive industry knowledge and experience
- Ability to communicate difficult or complex situations in an easy and understandable way
- Think and work in line with the Agile en Lean principles (Scrum framework)
- High level of analytical capacities
- Able to think and work off the beaten track
- Visual Communication
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Arjan Saly - Arjan Saly Consultancy - Data Engineer - AWS - Database - Databases - Database Development - PostgreSQL - CockroachDB - CockroachDB - Consultancy - Tilburg - Europe - Internationaal