My knowledge, experience and expertise can be hired on invoice base in the capacity as sole proprietor (NL: Eenmanszaak, ZZP). I'm available for a maximum of 32 hours a week, but less hours may be more efficient for both you as client and me as contractor. Even a fixed amount a week is not always the best solution. Especially when the base of your system works well, but you can still use my knowledge every now and then, on incidental base. On the other hand, in case of migrating, building new, large improvements or expansion,  it can still be more efficient to hire me fulltime. 

I'm open for all these variations, with a preference for large flexibility for everybody. 

In short, I can support in these fields of knowledge, click on the link for more information

Full-time commitment: Agile & Lean, or high level of waste?

Within ICT it is common to hire specialists as contingent workers on a full-time base. Obviously there are many occasions where that's the best fitting choice. However, may not always be desirable.

Often a one or two day investigation is enough to come with a first advice and identify the most important improvements. Then your team acts on these tips and perhaps you may want to ask some questions every now and then. If needed, I help out in some parts, but that may not fill a full time week.

The changes then need to be tested and deployed to production. Once there, the new situation usually needs run for a while to create a new consistent situation before we know for sure the changes really provide te expected result. Hence, it takes some time before we can re-evaluate the new situation.

This usually proceeds in in an interactive, repeating process where my expertise is desired at moments, intervened by periods where my knowledge is hardly used and should  even be regarded as a waste.

Hence, would I be hired  full-time, it's questionable of you really take advantage of my knowledge and expertise. Think about it, how does that fit the Agile and Lean principles that many organisations strive after?

Part-time often is more efficient

In the situation described above, it's more cost efficient for you to hire me only for the moments you can fully exploit my specialism. By hiring me only when really needed, no waste is generated, fitting the principles of Agile and Lean.

On my side the advantage is that I can focus on multiple customers, thus multiple situations, broadening my knowledge and experience. This new experience I can bring back to you and potentially help you out even better. Again fully in line with the Agile and Lean Principles.


Provide me with your contact information using this contact form. Please add additional information about the knowledge and experience you're looking for. I'll get in contact as soon as possible discuss options.

Arjan Saly - Arjan Saly Consultancy - Data Engineer - AWS - Database - Databases - Database Development - PostgreSQL - CockroachDB - CockroachDB - Consultancy - Tilburg - Europe - Internationaal