In de border area between Database Administrator (DBA) and the application or its developer.
Database Developer
As a Database Developer I focus on optimising the database as a whole and everything that influences its behaviour, among which:
- Functional use of the database
- Technical use of the database
- Applications that use the database
- Table structure
- Datatype use
- Relational model
- Setup of the database cluster / instance
- Setup of the underlying components like operating system, storage, memory and network.
Database use
Important part in this is to verify the specific queries that the database has to handle. These often are generated by other applications and are not always efficient enough. By checking use and behaviour of the database in a combined force with application managers or application developers, usually a lot can be optimised by some simple steps. Often a few adjustments in the query approach is enough, while sometimes it requires an improvement of the datamodel.
Another common issue with databases is found in lack of maintenance. Once started small with a little amount of data and little use, then grew successfully without thinking about the consequences for the database. For a properly setup database receiving proper queries, there's hardly any impact when datavolume and/or usage grows. Each database however does require regular maintenance. Always, just like the best car ever requires regular maintenance.
Any database is as fast as its slowest component. Therefore it's important to make sure underlying components like operating system, harddisk, memory and network really align with the specific database use. Most Database Administrators (DBA's) maintain many databases, hundreds or even thousands. For a DBA, it's impossible to know, understand and remember all details for each database. Therefore they usually stick to generics for support and optimisation.
Many application developers or application managers however, lack the knowledge to provide the DBA with proper information. By result the database often is tuned pretty well on generic level, but could be tuned much better in the details. The datamodel and the using the right query often remain neglected, because the DBA doesn't have the correct detailed information about the specific use of that specific database.
The Database Developer acts as a middleman because this role understands both sides well enough to fill in the "missing link".
Difference between Database Developer and Database Administrator
Many Database Administrators (DBAs) know one or two database engines very well, but not more. I have in-depth knowledge of many databases, in some areas even better than the specialised DBA. While such a DBA knows other areas better then I do.
The Database Developer mainly focusses on the specifics of practical use of the databases, how the database behaves internally and how the practical use can be aligned with this internal behaviour. A DBA focusses more on generic setup, generic maintenance and security (login).
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Arjan Saly - Arjan Saly Consultancy - Data Engineer - AWS - Database - Databases - Database Development - PostgreSQL - CockroachDB - CockroachDB - Consultancy - Tilburg - Europe - Internationaal